Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

South African Super Market Online

At the last count there areapproximately 3 million South African’s living overseas, so there is a really big need for typical South African food. With numerous businesses supplying South African food and goods online, why would you want to choose…

Flower Power

The floral print is a timeless trend that makes an appearance in the runaways around this time of the year and there is no doubt this bold colorful prints are making a big statement in 2014.

Gifts For Babies: Think Fair Trade

As a mum to a four year old I am the first to admit that I often purchase the items on his birthday and Christmas list without giving a second thought to where they were made and perhaps more importantly…

Trend Alert: Warm-Weather Leather

Maybe we’re a little nuts — or begging for a heat stroke — but there’s something about leather that feels so right for spring. Give the look a chance: Paired with the right textures and silhouettes, this supple textile is…

How to Have a Relaxed Lifestyle?

The present day hectic lifestyle is full of stress, tension and uneasiness. Everyone seems to be in a competition to get everything for his own comforts and in this race relaxation has been lost. But it is equally true that…