Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

South African Super Market Online

At the last count there areapproximately 3 million South African’s living overseas, so there is a really big need for typical South African food. With numerous businesses supplying South African food and goods online, why would you want to choose SaffaTrading?

Well we have actually been around for over 3 years and are amongst the most knowledgeable and skilled South African grocery store merchants on the internet today.

Whether you are a person or a company, Saffatrading could supply you with the service and products that you are searching for.  For individuals products you can find what you need by just buying it. If you are a South African product company looking for goods to sell at your store in your new native country, you can contact us via email or Skype and we will source the products for you at a special rate.  We have had many companies contacting us over the last 3 years looking for traditional Saffa products.

You will definitely discover a dependable and reputable, safe and secure service with hundreds of products and prices to suit your specific needs. Please remember that we do not hold any stock. We are called South-African personal buyers and buy the goods as soon you have bought it on the website. Our group of specialized personal buyers are here to hand-pick your products to guarantee the lengthiest possible life span and always ensure quality.

This one-of-a-kind solution permits you to search one website for all your beloved grocery store brand names.  All items offered on this internet site are obtained from the SA market. We simply buy products that are made in South Africa and classified, according to South African naming policy rules.

Right here at the South African Online Supermarket, we love to supply those overseas expats all the comforts of home!  You can buy over 1000+ South African grocery products including Cadbury’s, Nescafe, Ina Paarman, Safari, Wellington, Woolworth brand names, Koo, Bokomo, Nestle, all at the click off a finger.

Whether it’s delivering Kellogg Corn Flakes to Belgium, Adco-Dol to Germany, All Gold Fig Jam to China, Cadbury biscuits to New Zealand, Rooibos tea bags to Australia, The Huisgenoot to Afghanistan or Nestle Milo to Unites States, we are here to assist you in whatever you need!

Nescafe to England, Wilson Tofee’s to Dubai or biltong to Turkey, NOT A PROBLEM for the South African Grocery store group!

What is Saffa Trading goals and what we can do for you!

Our main goal is to find what you are looking for. So for this reason we constantly go that extra mile, so if you are unable to find that preferred Saffa Brand from our substantial online grocery store, get in touch with us and we will go out and personally source this product to you. We’re consistently aiming to add those vital expat products to our already massive range!

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